
The posts are all written in English.

Introducing Paver
Last weekend, I launched Paver. A drag-and-drop block editor built specifically for PHP developers. The Why Behind Paver I created Paver with one primary goal: to serve as a custom block editor...
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Laravel-like job dispatching for WordPress
Aside from WordPress development, I work a lot with Laravel. And one of the things I love about Laravel, is the Jobs API. In short: a dedicated class for your job that you can dispatch or schedule. In WordPress, we have the event...
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Using Flare with WordPress for error tracking
Flare, for me at least, is mostly known as a error tracker for Laravel applications. However, the service is framework agnostic and can be used for other frameworks, including WordPress, as well. So how do you add it to your WordPress...
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2023 Year in review
This year, my Year in Review is not a blogpost, but a post on X instead: Short version of Year in review this time:✅ First Laracon at
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WordPress and Composer
Using Composer to manage and load packages is commonplace in PHP projects, and most of the time, it just works. However, if you're developing a WordPress plugin or theme, you might encounter some challenges.
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Block editor for Laravel
Lately I've been working on a Livewire powered block editor. It is intended to be used mainly for creating newsletters. This package could potentially be used in tools as Mailcoach. See the below tweet of a short demo video (or...
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2022 Year in review
As the end of the year is nearing (time sure went fast), it is time to look back and ahead to the coming year. Previous editions: 2020,
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