Documentation for Gravity Forms Send to API

Value casting

Available with version 1.6.0 (imminent)

Sometimes a value you submit to an external API, needs to be of a specific type. By casting this value, you can make sure it is.

The following casts are available:


The value needs to be send as a boolean (either true or false). You may cast it like so:

(gfsta_cast type="boolean") {Consent (Text):8.2}

In the above example, the value is the outcome of the merge tag.


This will make sure the value is an integer, a whole number. The below example would result in the value being 1.

(gfsta_cast type="integer") 1.2


This will make sure the value is a floating point number. The below example would result in the value being 1.0.

(gfsta_cast type="float") 1


This will transform a value into an array.

(gfsta_cast type="array") {Multiple:7}

In the above example, the value is the outcome of the merge tag - a dropdown with multiple options. This will transform the string value Test 1, Test 2 into an array: ['Test 1', 'Test 2'].

By default, the delimiter is , . You can set a specific delimiter like so:

(gfsta_cast type="array" delimiter=",") Foo,Bar